All posts tagged "Eminent Domain"
/ 2 months agoSeaside Heights Motel Will Be Investigated for Potential Condemnation
A Seaside Heights motel whose owner, last year, objected to his troubled property being declared a redevelopment area, will be the...
/ 6 months agoNew Municipal Well Formally Proposed for Condemned Oceanfront Motel Property
A new well – plus the demolition of a condemned motel – have been formally proposed for state approval in Seaside...
/ 1 year agoWith ‘Squatter’ Ousted And Future Planned, Seaside Park Motel’s Demolition Date Set
A Seaside Park motel condemned by the borough – and still in litigation over the determined price of the property –...
/ 1 year agoSeaside Park to Follow ‘Aggressive’ Pace to Demolish Condemned Motel
A troubled motel along Ocean Avenue that was condemned and taken through eminent domain by Seaside Park will be demolished on...
Ortley Beach & North Beaches
/ 2 years agoToms River OK’s Dune Crossover Ordinance, Estimating Inaction Could Cost Millions
Over the objections of the leadership of a private beach association that has been battling a group of oceanfront residents over...
/ 3 years agoSeaside Park to Demolish Vacant Home, Determine Redevelopment Order for Motel
Seaside Park officials voted last week to authorize the demolition of a home that was purchased by the borough, and a...
/ 3 years agoSeaside Park Motel to be Taken By Eminent Domain
Seaside Park officials voted unanimously Thursday night to introduce an ordinance that would see the borough take ownership of the Desert...
/ 3 years agoCommission Finds Former Seaside Heights ‘Steel Structure’ Property Worth $1.9M, Litigation Expected to Continue
A commission of advisors to an Ocean County Superior Court judge have concluded that the property which houses the former “steel...
/ 4 years agoSeaside Heights Formally Votes to Condemn ‘Steel Structure’
The Seaside Heights borough council this week voted 6-0, with one abstention, to formally condemn the multi-story steel structure that has...
/ 4 years agoSeaside Heights Votes to Condemn ‘Steel Structure’ Over Owner’s Objection
An attorney for Vincent Craparotta, the owner of the steel structure widely regarded as an eyesore along the Boulevard in Seaside...