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The dredge boat Liberty Island, in support of beach replenishment off Long Beach Island, NJ. (Photo: Daniel Nee) The dredge boat Liberty Island, in support of beach replenishment off Long Beach Island, NJ. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Shore Environment

Dredge Boats for Beach Replenishment Project Arrive in N.J., But Stormy Weather Forecast

The venerable dredge boat Liberty Island and the new state-of-the-art hopper dredge Galveston Island have arrived off the coast of Ocean County,...

Flooding during a typical high tide on a fair-weather day in Seaside Park along Bayview Avenue, Feb. 2024. (Photo: Shorebeat)


Seaside Park Plans Underground Pumps, Sewer Vacuum for Flood Control

Seaside Park officials are moving forward with a plan to utilize an underground pump system, as well as a new means of...

New lighting at the Seaside Park baseball field, 13th-14th avenues, Dec. 15, 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)


Seaside Park Awards Contract for Baseball Field Improvements

Seaside Park’s municipal baseball field will see its next round of improvements this year, with the borough council having approved a contract...

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