/ 10 years agoSeaside Heights to Allow Dogs on Boardwalk, Beach Aug. 26
The Dog Days of August will become much more of a literal notion Aug. 26 in Seaside Heights, when the borough...
/ 10 years agoCounty Continuing Water Testing, Investigation in Seaside Park After Pump Malfunction
County officials say they are continuing to monitor bay water quality in Seaside Park following the plume of silt that developed...
/ 10 years agoSample Over 100 Beers Thursday Night in Seaside Park, Support A Good Cause
America on Tap will be presented Thursday night in Seaside Park, an event where you can sample over 100 beers and...
/ 10 years agoCandidates Running Unopposed for Lavallette, Heights BOE; Challenge in SSP
Two incumbents are running unopposed to retain their positions on the Lavallette Board of Education, according to Ocean County Clerk Scott...
/ 10 years agoSeaside Heights to Improve Bay Beach Area, Rename It ‘Sunset Beach’
The Seaside Heights bayfront area along Route 35 will be renamed Sunset Beach and improved with several amenities, including a potential...
/ 10 years agoSeaside Heights May Consider Its Own Beach Protection Work
With a planned federal beach and dune replenishment project still subject to a large level of uncertainty, Seaside Heights officials are...
/ 10 years agoAnthony Vaz Appointed Mayor in Seaside Heights
Just four days after Mayor William Akers resigned from office in Seaside Heights, an interim mayor has been chosen. The borough...