Seaside Park police have released their weekly blotter, featuring a number of calls to which officers recently responded. The department handled 175 calls in total last week.
The blotter appears below:
First Aid – Police and Tri-Boro First Aid Squad responded to help a patient experiencing abdominal pain. Officers and EMS arrived and began to assess the patient at the scene. They were later transported to Community Medical Center for treatment.
Arrest – The person of interest in the recent car burglaries in Seaside Park was arrested in a neighboring jurisdiction on the warrants this agency issued for his arrest. He was processed and lodged in the Ocean County Jail.
Fire Alarm – Police and the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company were dispatched to the area of Stockton and the Boulevard for a fire alarm activation. Officers arrived and began to check the residence and did not observe any smoke or active fire. The fire department arrived and checked the residence with their heat sensing equipment and found the residence to be safe. It was determined that the alarm was set off in error.
Community Policing – While on patrol Officers observed a loose dog. Officers were able to gain control of the animal and were able to reunite the dog with its rightful owner.
Open Door – While on patrol Officers were flagged down by motorist regarding a residence with an open front door on the ocean block of L St. Police located the residence and checked the exterior. No signs of forced entry were observed. Officers cleared the interior of the residence, and no unauthorized individuals were inside. Nothing appeared to be disturbed and it was determined the door was left open in error. Police left a message with the homeowner to advise them of our findings.
Alarm – Police were dispatched to the area of N St. and the Bay for a burglar alarm activation. Officers arrived and checked the exterior of the residence and did not observe any signs of forced entry. The doors and windows were found to be secure, and it was determined the alarm was set off in error.
Theft – Police responded to the ocean block of Decatur Avenue for a theft report. The victim advised Officers that a surveillance camera that he set up was taken from a residence that he was doing some repairs on. Police gathered all the information needed to generate a report. The area was checked for other cameras that may have captured the incident. This matter is still under investigation.
Borough Ordinance Violation – While on patrol, officers observed an occupied vehicle in the area of 7th and Ocean Avenue that was there for an extended period of time. Police made contact with the male and female who were disrobed engaging in consensual relations in their motor vehicle. Officers advised the subjects to get dressed and both were issued a borough summons for the violation.


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