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Lavallette Will Gain New Playgrounds by Next Summer

The Lavallette bayfront at Washington Avenue, where new playground equipment will be donated and located. (Photo: Shorebeat)

The Lavallette bayfront at Washington Avenue, where new playground equipment will be donated and located. (Photo: Shorebeat)

Lavallette’s youngsters will have a new spot to play on the bayfront, courtesy of two local businesses and some individual donors.

Council President Anita Zalom this week said work to replace aging playgrounds at Reese Avenue, Washington Avenue and the bayfront is expected to be installed soon – and certainly by the start of the 2024 summer season.

Zalom said the playground construction of the Washington Avenue playground has been funded by the daughter of local funeral director Timothy E. Ryan, who died in 2019 after an 11-year battle with cancer. Ryan, well-known for his generosity all his life, owned several funeral homes on the island and mainland. He also served as a Seaside Park councilman and was an influential figure in the local Democratic party. The playground in his honor was announced earlier this year. In June, officials said there was about a six-month waiting list for equipment.

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The council purchased the equipment from PlayWorld for $14,893, and it recently arrived, Zalom said.

The Lavallette bayfront at Reese Avenue, where new playground equipment will be donated and located. (Photo: Shorebeat)

The Lavallette bayfront at Reese Avenue, where new playground equipment will be donated and located. (Photo: Shorebeat)

Jersey Mike’s Subs in Lavallette also contributed funding for playground construction, as well as a few individual donors who wished to remain anonymous, at Reese Avenue.

“They got the price, she’s going to pay the borough, and this should all happen before the summer,” said Zalom. “At the end of Reese, there will be a totally new swing set. That will be all funded by Jersey Mike’s and a couple of citizens in town who wanted to remain anonymous.”

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