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Seaside Park Recreation Complex Closed 4-6 Weeks for Lighting Installation

Seaside Park has announced the recreation complex which spans 13th and 14th avenues will be closed for a period of about four to six weeks as new lighting is installed.

Shorebeat has previous reported on several new development at the recreation area, including a new playground that opened toward the end of the summer. The playground replaced aging equipment with new amenities up to current safety codes, and was donated by a resident who wished to remain anonymous.

Light stanchion at the 13th-14th Avenue recreation area in Seaside Park, Aug. 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)

Light stanchion at the 13th-14th Avenue recreation area in Seaside Park, Aug. 2023. (Photo: Shorebeat)

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The borough, over the summer, joined an interlocal purchasing cooperative to receive the best price for LED conversion kits. Officials said the light poles – which would have come with a significant cost to replace – were deemed to be in good condition and can remain. At one point, officials also worried that the adjacent tennis court would need to be ripped up in order to replace electrical conduits – another problem that fortunately never came to fruition. An engineering firm hired by the borough conducted core sampling over the summer and made its determination.

“Fortunately, they have quite a bit of lasting life in them,” Mayor John Peterson said of the poles at the time. “We’re going to take down those rickety lights and replace them with the LEDs, which will be far more cost effective too.”

The borough expects to save about 30 percent in energy costs compared with the previously-installed vapor bulbs.

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