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Seaside Park Approves Reconstruction of H St. and G St.

An aerial photo showing H Street and G Street. (Credit: Google Earth)

An aerial photo showing H Street and G Street. (Credit: Google Earth)

The Seaside Park borough council on Thursday night introduced a bonding measure that will appropriate funds for the reconstruction of H Street and G Street in the borough. The borough will be reimbursed for the project through a grant from the state Department of Transportation.

Mayor John A. Peterson said both streets would not only be repaved, but reconstructed with higher grading to prevent flooding. The crown of the road will be raised as well – part of an effort in Seaside Park and several other neighboring towns to upgrade infrastructure to combat increasingly-frequently inundation during storms or particularly high tides.

The scope of the project is larger than that of a simple repaving, and therefore will be completed this fall.

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“We couldn’t do it now because the timeline is too tight,” said Councilman Marty Wilk. “You can’t open those roads after Memorial Day weekend.”

The council authorized bonding up to $875,000 for the project, which will be reimbursed by NJDOT grants awarded to the borough in 2019 and 2021. Officials will now solicit bids for the work to be completed.

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