The Seaside Heights planning board will take on a busy agenda this week, hearing applications to replace a motel with eight single-family homes, another that will develop a partially-developed parcel in the western portion of town, and yet another that will develop an empty lot on the Boulevard with six units.
The board will meet Jan. 26 to consider the applications of Mordechai Finkelstein and Boulevard Edge LLC, respectively, before voting on the three projects.
The Age of Aquarius (Is Over?)
Finkelstein has proposed two of the three projects under consideration. The largest of the two, which requires use variance relief, is a plan to tear down the Aquarius Motel and replace it with eight single-family homes that will be constructed on eight individual lots. Planning documents call for the motel, pool and parking lot to be completely removed from the site. Property records indicate the motel was sold for $1.2 million in November.
Complicating the matter from a legal standpoint is the fact that the property falls in two different zones: the retail business zone (on Central Avenue) and the low density residential zone (once the corner turns to Kearney Avenue). The lots in the retail zone will measure 1,500 square feet in area, less than the required 2,000 square feet. Finkelstein is seeking a variance for the size of the lots, plus permission to utilize a one-foot side setback instead of the required three feet.
The use variance, which requires a supermajority of board members voting in favor of approval, is required for the homes on the portion of the property in the low density residential zone. The variance is required so the homes can be built at 43.2 feet high, where 35 feet is normally allowed.
Side Street Proposal
The same applicant, Finkelstein, is set to be heard on a second application for a property at 327 Franklin Avenue. The total size of the property is 3,750 square feet. If a subdivision is approved, the new lots would each measure 1, 875 square feet in area. The developer is proposing to build one single family home on each lot.
Boulevard Complex Hearing
The final hearing on the board’s agenda is a proposal by Boulevard Edge LLC to develop six homes on a vacant property at 717 Boulevard, near the corner of Grant Avenue.
The proposal is split into two aspects: a multifamily four-unit building on one lot that will be newly-created, and two single-family homes on individual lots that will likewise be newly created. A use variance is required for density in the four-unit portion of the project. Relief is also required since 1,200 square feet are required for each unit, while the developer is proposing 945 square feet for each. Additional variances are requested to build to 45-feet instead of 40-feet, the zone’s requirement, plus a setback variance to allow for a 1.5 foot setback on the Grant Avenue side of the parcel and 2.5 feet on the Boulevard side.
A setback variance is also required for the two single-family lots.
The property is currently undeveloped aside from a gravel surface, and utilized as a parking lot.
If You Go
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. in the council chambers over the fire station at the municipal complex on Sherman Avenue. It is also livestreamed on the borough’s website.


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