Seaside Park police published their weekly blotter for the week, representing a sampling of the calls to which officers responded. So far this week, the department has received 339 calls for service.
Suspicious Package- Police were dispatched to the area of the 5th Avenue beach for a report of an unattended bag that the caller thought was suspicious. Officers arrived on scene and checked the area and located the bag in question under the pavilion. No one was in the area and the bag was checked and deemed to be safe only containing personal items. The bag was taken and put into property storage.
First Aid- Police and Tri-Boro First Aid Squad responded to a residence for a fall victim. Officers and EMS arrived and located the victim and began to assess them at the scene. The patient sustained some lacerations to their arms and was experiencing some pain as a result of the fall. The victim was transported to Community Medical Center for further treatment.
Impound- While conducting a motor vehicle stop in the area of Decatur and the Boulevard it was determined that the driver had a suspended license, suspended registration, and no insurance. The vehicle was towed, and the driver was issued several motor vehicle violations for the infractions.
Fire Alarm- Police and the Seaside Park Volunteer Fire Company responded to the area of Porter and Ocean for a fire alarm activation. Officers checked the location and observed no active fire or smoke. The fire department arrived and checked the location and deemed it safe. It was determined to have been set off by a faulty detector.
Disturbance- Police were dispatched to the area of O St. and Ocean for a report of a verbal altercation. Allegedly intoxicated guests were shouting at groups walking by them which was creating a disturbance. When Officers arrive there was nothing active, but they spoke to the guests and advised them to keep it down for the rest of the night and go back into their rooms.
Assault- Officers were dispatched to the area of Stockton and Boardwalk for as assault that had taken place. The caller was a family member of the victim and stated he was assaulted, and the victim was running from his attackers. When police arrived, no one was in the area. After further investigation Officers were able to contact the victim who had gone home and did not want to wait for police. An Officer in the jurisdiction where the male resides spoke to him and it was determined he had been punched in the face by two males. The subject was advised to come in and make a statement about what had occurred. This matter is still under investigation.
Disturbance- Police responded to the area of O St. and Ocean Ave. for a report of a disturbance. Officers arrived and located a group arguing outside and separated the individuals involved. A verbal argument had occurred and one of the subjects involved became irate and disorderly and aggressive. Officers were able to mediate the situation and separate the individuals. All parties went their separate ways and were advised how to sign complaints if they wished to do so.
Alarm- Police were dispatched to a burglar alarm activation in the area of 1st and Bayview. Officers arrived and checked the perimeter of the residence and did not observe any signs of forced entry. Officers checked the exterior and found all doors and windows to be secure. It was determined the alarm was set off in error.
Verbal Dispute- Officers were dispatched to the area of Porter and Ocean for a male and female who were having a verbal dispute. Officers arrived and separated and spoke to both parties involved. It was determined to just be a verbal altercation and no further police action was required.
Arrest- Police responded to the area of the ocean block of Stockton Avenue where the caller reported a male who did not have authorization to be there had walked into his home. The subject had entered through an unlocked door. The male then fled once confronted by the homeowner. No damage had been done and nothing had been stolen. Police located the male a few blocks away where he was placed under arrest. He was transported to police headquarters where he was charged with trespassing and released.
Arrest- Police were dispatched to O St. and Ocean Ave. for a report of a disturbance. Officers arrived to find a male screaming and acting in a disorderly manner. After further investigation it was determined he had an active arrest warrant out of another jurisdiction. He was placed under arrest and transported to police headquarters for processing. He was also charged with public nuisance.


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