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State Pledges $300K For Repaving of Two Seaside Heights Roads

The entrance to Seaside Heights from the north. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The entrance to Seaside Heights from the north. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The New Jersey Department of Transportation has approved grant funding that will go toward the repaving of two streets in Seaside Heights, including one narrow, but busy, thoroughfare on the west side of town.

The DOT awarded Seaside Heights a grant in the amount of $326,100 for Barnegat Avenue and Sheridan Avenue road improvements in its 2021 municipal aid package, announced last week by Gov. Phil Murphy.

The municipal aid is funded through the NJ Transportation Trust Fund Authority Act. Borough officials anticipate that the road improvement project will commence some time in fall 2021. In the meantime, the Borough Engineer is developing a scope of work for the project – in particular, the specific length and sections of road that will be improved.

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