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Seaside Heights Sets Fall Deadline for Proposals to Replace Steel Building, Empty Lot

The steel building at Hamilton Avenue in Seaside Heights, Sept. 2018. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The steel building at Hamilton Avenue in Seaside Heights, Sept. 2018. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Seaside Heights officials, in consultation with the borough’s redevelopment attorney, has set a deadline this October for proposals to be submitted for the redevelopment of two blighted plots of land in town.

The most prominent is the so-called “steel structure” that has sat partially built for the past decade. Its owner, Vincent Craparotta, told borough officials earlier this summer that he has abandoned plans to create a nightclub and entertainment complex at the site and is now envisioning a mix of retail and residential space. The property, however, has been formally declared an Area in Need of Redevelopment under state law, meaning the township can solicit outside developers to submit proposals and potentially condemn the plot of land.

The other property included is an empty lot across the street from the steel structure that is currently being used as a parking lot. The plot of land is unpaved and nothing is build on it.

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Borough Administrator Christopher Vaz told Shorebeat the deadline for proposals to redevelop the two parcels is the second Friday of October.

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