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Pot Activists Serenade Seaside Council With Song Listing All N.J. Towns With Marijuana Bans

Armed with a guitar and a life-sized bong costume, two marijuana legalization activists debuted a song about the more than 50 New Jersey towns that have pre-emptive banned the sale of cannabis should it become legal.

Edward “Lefty” Grimes and a fellow activist chose Wednesday night’s Seaside Heights borough council meeting to introduce their toe-tapper, which was taken in stride by officials and residents who smiled as the list of towns were rattled off in the duo’s cleverly-arranged lyrics.

The concert didn’t go perfectly, however. The activist wearing the bong costume got stuck in the doorway to the council chamber on the way out and had to remove it before exiting.

The song, “You Can’t Get No Weed Here,” also included some references to medical marijuana being used in the treatment of cancer.

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After the performance, the pair left the room, but officials were left wondering why they had come in the first place. Seaside Heights has, indeed, passed an ordinance that would prohibit the sale of recreational marijuana should it become legal, but the measure was passed (without any public comment) in April.

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