A road sign directing drivers to Lavallette. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Lavallette is Lavallette again.
After a story on Shorebeat about a misspelling on a road sign along the Route 37 bridge went viral last month, state officials placed the blame on a contractor and said the unnamed company would fix the sign for free. Almost a month to the day that the story was published, a new sign appeared – this time with the correct spelling.

An error on a sign referencing Lavallette on Route 37, Sept. 2018. (Photo: Daniel Nee)
The previous sign omitted one “L” from the borough’s name. Lavallette was incorrectly spelled “Lavalette.”
The sign was part of a group of new signs erected on Pelican Island, at the foot of the Thomas A. Mathis Bridge, which carries traffic from the mainland to the island. The signs list a number of town names and direct drivers to the proper lane that will bring them where they are headed.