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Seaside Heights Seeking Repaving of Central Avenue As Route 35 Project Wraps Up

Central Avenue, Seaside Heights. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Central Avenue, Seaside Heights. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Was Seaside Heights snubbed in the Route 35 reconstruction project?

While towns up and down the island received new paving and landscaping for their entrances, Seaside Heights is still dealing with an unimproved Central Avenue. The main thoroughfare through town, Central Avenue was used as a long-term detour during months of the highway reconstruction project and saw a significant increase of traffic. Though a large portion of the highway splits off to the Route 37 interchange at both ends of Seaside Heights, Central Avenue is still considered part of the route.

Now, borough officials say they’re asking the state to have the road paved as the project wraps up.

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“I drive around Route 35, north and south, and it’s all nicely paved,” said Mayor Anthony Vaz. “You get to Seaside [Heights] and the road looks dingy, then you cross into Seaside Park and it’s all new and lively again.”

The entrance to Seaside Heights from the north. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

The entrance to Seaside Heights from the north. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Vaz said he recently met with one of the state’s assistant transportation commissioners who said he would work to add Central Avenue repaving to the project.

“I wasn’t promised [the repaving], but I was given an assurance they would try,” the mayor said.

State officials, Vaz said, also indicated they would look to provide some landscaping near the borough entrance signs.

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