All posts tagged "ortley beach nj news"
/ 9 years agoThe Ortley Beach A&P is Now An Acme (Again, Sort Of)
After decades as an A&P store, the barrier island's only supermarket morphed into an Acme this week...
/ 9 years agoToms River to Seek Input on Barrier Island Zoning, Land Regulations
Toms River officials will host a series of public input sessions to review the existing conditions of the township’s bayfront and...
/ 9 years agoWatch: Ortley Beach Residents Gather to Mark Sandy Anniversary, Rebuilding Challenges
Residents of the Ortley Beach neighborhood gathered Thursday night to mark the third anniversary of the onslaught of Superstorm Sandy and...
/ 9 years agoREMINDER: Ortley Beach to Hold Vigil, Screen Sandy Film at the Beach Tonight
Ortley Beach – often called Superstorm Sandy’s “Ground Zero” – will commemorate the event that changed the community forever on its...
/ 9 years agoLocal Towns Opposing Change That Would Require More Residents to Build on Pilings
Officials: New requirement could make raised homes out-of-date, substantially hike flood insurance rates
/ 9 years agoState to Begin Condemning Ocean County Dune Easements Within Weeks
After $800K nor'easter bill in Ortley Beach, officials have called on the state to speed up the condemnation process
/ 9 years agoOrtley Storm Response Cost $800K; Calls For State to Begin Easement Condemnations
Frustration from officials, residents begins to boil over on delays in getting dune, replenishment project off the ground
/ 9 years agoPost-Storm Repairs for Ortley Beach in Place
Toms River Township public works crews were hard at work Monday and Tuesday repairing some of the damage from the three...
/ 9 years agoVideo: Sand Deliveries in Ortley Beach Sunday as Waves Threaten Berm, Undermine Building
Crews were back at work Sunday afternoon in Ortley Beach, where powerful ocean waves continues to undermine a condominium building and...
/ 9 years agoFirst Breach Reported in Ortley Beach, More Sand Delivered
Toms River officials said a small breach occurred in Ortley Beach under the Block House lifeguard station, necessitating sand to be...