Each time a coastal storm rolls through, Ortley Beach residents as well as Toms River officials are mindful of the threat of beach erosion and damage to the dune passovers in the neighborhood.
While a renourishment project will lead to bespoke engineering that is aimed at creating an Ortley Beach-specific plan to prevent future erosion, officials have routinely had to call in trucks to deliver sand to repair entrances. The dune itself, however, has never been breached since it was built and has held up remarkably well compared to the sloped entrances and the beach berm itself.
Though the weekend nor’easter brought heavy snow and high winds to the region, the surf zone did not see the same intensity in breaking wave action as in some other recent storms. This was a trend acknowledged by mayors and local observers up and down the New Jersey coast.
In Ortley Beach on Monday, there was a small escarpment along the high tide line near the Third Avenue beach, however no signs of any significant damage were visible. Rather, some routine erosion and flotsam washed up on the sand were about the only signs a storm had whipped its way through.


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