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Seaside Heights OKs ‘Pedacycle’ Tours for 2025 in Revived Experiment

A pedacycle parked near Casino Pier in Seaside Heights. (Photo: The Pedalcycle)

A pedacycle parked near Casino Pier in Seaside Heights. (Photo: The Pedalcycle)

After a few rocky starts, interrupted by pandemics and paperwork, Seaside Heights has once again approved a “pedacycle” attraction for the 2025 summer season.

A growing attraction in some cities across the country, a pedacycle is a pedal-powered buggy that moves between 5-8 m.p.h. and – in beach towns such as Seaside Heights – usually stops at a number of watering holes around town for a “bar crawl.” There is no alcohol allowed on the cycle itself, but food and soft drinks can normally be brought on board.

The operator of the tours this season will be “The Pedalcycle,” a local company that has seen significant success with similar tours in other Shore communities. The company began in Asbury Park and expanded to Beach Haven in Long Beach Island. Seaside Heights officials have long been in discussions with the company about allowing tours, and even passed a resolution allowing a pilot program in the past, but the idea for expansion occurred late in the season. The idea was first floated in 2018, but two years later, the pandemic played a part in interrupting those plans. This year, however, the company plans on returning to Seaside Heights for a full season as part of a true pilot program that will test the idea over the course of the summer – and a bit beyond.

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“We had talked about it for several years and this year we finalized it,” said Mayor Anthony Vaz. “It’s something new, something where people can have a little fun and get some exercise too.”

The side benefit of the pedacycle tours is that they bring customers to other local businesses, becoming something of a multiplier that leads to a rising tide of commerce that lifts all boats.

A pedacycle owned by "The Pedacycle" business in Asbury Park. (Credit: The Pedacycle / Facebook)

A pedacycle owned by “The Pedalcycle” business in Asbury Park. (Credit: The Pedacycle / Facebook)

The borough council this week passed a resolution creating another pilot program, temporarily authorizing pedacycle uses in the borough through Dec. 31, 2025. Though revocable, officials met with the company’s owner and are confident it will be successful, especially with the track record in other communities.

The Pedalcycle began promoting its Seaside Heights schedule immediately, with their website advertising the ability to book tours as early as April 1. The tours are planned to start at Hook’s on the northern end of town, then proceed to several other establishments in a loop. The cycles can also be booked for private parties, company outings or reserved for a group of friends.

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