Seaside Park officials are making good on a plan to sell surplus stocks of beach badges from previous years to collectors.
The borough council authorized the sale of the “historic” beach badges last month by way of an ordinance and announced the start of the sale just before the weekend. Under the program, the borough will sell these badges to anyone who would like them as a keepsake or souvenir.
“We have a lot of badges down there in the basement,” said Councilman Joseph Connor at the time. “We go back to about 2017.”
The ultimately borough announced that surplus badges were available for the 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 seasons.
Beach badges are already a surprisingly in-demand item on platforms like eBay and Facebook Marketplace, and social media sites see dozens of posts every fall seeking anyone willing to part with their used badges to help local artists and collectors, officials said. Sales are limited to two badges of each year per customer.
The badges are available for sale at borough hall, 1701 N. Ocean Avenue, Seaside Park, NJ.


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