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Seaside Park Man Graduates U.S. Merchant Marine Academy

Lucas John Musto (Photo: USMMA)

Lucas John Musto (Photo: USMMA)

A Seaside Park resident has graduated from the prestigious U.S. Merchant Marine Academy.

Lucas John Musto, of Seaside Park, graduated from the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) at Kings Point, N.Y this year. Musto earned a Bachelor of Science degree and a commission in the U. S. armed forces. He also earned a Merchant Marine officer license, qualifying him to serve as an officer on any ship in the U.S. flag merchant marine.

The United States Merchant Marine Academy is one of five U.S. federal service academies. It educates and graduates licensed Merchant Marine officers to serve the nation during peace and war. In addition to the rigorous academic and physical requirements for admission, applicants must be nominated by their Congressman or Senator. Musto was nominated by U.S. Sen. Cory Booker.

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All USMMA graduates incur an obligation to serve the United States. The U.S. Flag Merchant Marine – manned exclusively by American mariners – is essential for securing the country’s commerce in peacetime and delivering warfighters, weapons, and military supplies in times of conflict, an announcement from the school said. The majority of “Kings Pointers” serve for eight years as Navy reservists in the Strategic Sealift Officer Program while working aboard U.S. flag vessels, while others serve on active duty in a branch of the armed forces.

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan served as the commencement speaker this year.

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