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Lavallette’s New Dedicated Benches Are On The Way

Concerts by the Bay, Lavallette, June 26, 2022. (Photo: Anita Zalom)

Concerts by the Bay, Lavallette, June 26, 2022. (Photo: Anita Zalom)

Lavallette is expecting delivery of its next round of memorial benches soon as part of the borough’s effort to replace existing benches – especially along the bayside – that have fallen into disrepair.

The benches are being funded mainly through donations of plaques that will memorialize the benches in honor of individuals and families. While some of the borough’s benches have long been in need of replacement, the process of purchasing them has proven challenging, as the borough’s efforts to source them from bidders and pre-approved state vendors produced less-than-desirable results.

“The bidding process never gave me what we wanted,” said Councilwoman Joanne Filippone. “We went out to bid twice and were still unhappy.”

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The issue, she explained, is that Lavallette needs particularly heavy benches made of specific materials that can stand up to the elements and remain in place during high winds and coastal storms. The new benches that had been purchased for the street ends at the ocean have proven to work well, however they were sourced individually as their cost did not exceed what is known as the state’s “bid threshold,” which requires bidding or cooperative pricing to be utilized for a purchase. In reality, Filippone said, the types of benches Lavallette uses are cheaper when purchased directly, however this means a more limited number of benches can be purchased at once.

With the challenges of red tape and organizing all of the plaque purchases overcome, the borough placed an order for its first round of benches earlier this week, Filippone said.

“We could only order 64 benches, which we ordered, and all but one is paid for,” Filippone said. “I’m working on the order for the plaques from a separate company. We started with about roughly 140 names on the list, and we got up to number 96 just to get the 64 benches. About 10 of those people asked to have their name carried until next year.”

A few people on the list of those who were seeking to purchase a memorial bench backed out over time, she explained, however new interested parties have trickled in to replace them.

“Nobody complained about the cost, but they’re pricey and unfortunately they are what they are,” said Filippone. “We now have, for next year, 57 names on the list because we’ve been getting new names as we’ve been selling the first group. Our plan is to order up to 64 benches again unless the price goes higher.”

A P-660 outdoor bench. (Credit: Belson Outdoors)

A P-660 outdoor bench. (Credit: Belson Outdoors)

A P-660 outdoor bench. (Credit: Belson Outdoors)

A P-660 outdoor bench. (Credit: Belson Outdoors)

Options to purchase concrete-legged benches under state contracts were particularly expensive she said, costing about $2,000 and weighing 350-pounds each, raising shipping costs. The benches selected by the borough have been proven to withstand the elements at a lower cost and weight.

According to the bid specifications, the borough had been seeking to purchase what are known as “P-660” benches, which come in a variety of colors and are made of recycled plastic material for the seating surface and metal legs that are anchored to the ground. The benches are able to accommodate memorial messages engraved into the back rest. Each bench is specified to be 6-feet in length.

The benches will primarily be installed along the bayfront. As it currently stands, officials have worried that the deteriorating benches near the borough gazebo and some other locations along the bayfront represent a safety hazard, as the wood can be seen rotting or cracking in some locations. The new benches will be made from recycled plastic and will be cedar-colored. Though no policy has been formally passed, officials have discussed guaranteeing those who purchase a memorial on a bench that the plaque would remain for ten years, after which it could be subject to replacement.

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