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Seaside Heights & Seaside Park

Seaside Park Adopts New Hours, Changes Seasonal Dates for Recycling Center

Seaside Park, N.J. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Seaside Park, N.J. (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Seaside Park officials voted last Thursday to change the hours of its recycling center, as well as its designation of “in season” and “off season” dates which have different schedules.

The borough council will reduce the “in season” dates from eight months per year to six months, and the hours will vary depending on weekdays and weekends. The driver of the change in hours has been a manpower shortage.

“Basically, it didn’t seem like the recycling yard was utilized from 3 o’clock on, and we’ve always had problems manning it,” said Borough Administrator Karen Kroon. “It was overtime, but we still couldn’t get [workers] to cover it.”

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The new hours will be:

  • Summer (In-Season): May 16 – Sept. 14 – 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. daily, including Memorial Day, Fourth of July and Labor Day.
  • Off-Season: Sept. 15 – May 15 – 8 a.m. – 3 p.m. weekdays; 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Saturday and Sunday.

“This actually makes the off-season hours – the 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. – eight months long instead of six months long,” said Kroon.

Besides the aforementioned holidays above, the recycling center will be closed on legal holidays recognized by the borough in their contracts with employees.

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