ReClam The Bay, an organization that has spent years raising and releasing clams and oysters into Barnegat Bay to improve the bay’s health and ecosystem, will present an update on its recent activities and more about the local “upweller” in Seaside Park.
The organization began in southern Ocean County and became active on the northern barrier island until Superstorm Sandy destroyed some of its equipment. Seaside Park, however, retains an upweller, and the organization continues to be a part of the community.
The presentation, sponsored by the Seaside Park Environmental Advisory Committee, will be held May 15 at 7 p.m. in the council chambers at 5th and Central avenues. It will include a discussion on “Barnegat Bay Critters and How They Benefit Us,” as well as information about the upweller at 24th and South Bayview avenues.
Cheryl McCurry, one of the leaders of the organization, will be the guest speaker. Refreshments will be served.
The “upwellers” are shellfish nursery tanks that contain thousands of tiny, juvenile clams that are supported by the pumping of bay water. When the clams are large enough, they are moved to another location in the bay, then – when they are closer to adult age – deposited by volunteer boat owners to confidential locations in the bay where they naturally filter water and foster habitat.