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Seaside Heights Developer Proposes Three-Story Building, Four Units Near Town Entrance

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The Seaside Heights planning board will consider an application by a developer to combine lots and construct a three-story, four-unit building in the westernmost portion of the borough.

S.A.M. Developers will present its case to the board at their March 4 meeting. The application includes combining four lots, commonly known as 110-114 Bay Boulevard, into a single lot. The properties are current vacant, according to a planning notice on the application.

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

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The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The property at 110-114 Bay Boulevard, Seaside Heights. (Credit: Real Estate Listing)

The developer is seeking preliminary and final major site plan approval with variances to consolidate the four existing lots into a single 7,875 square-foot lot and construct a 3-story residential building containing four residential units. The application requires variance relief since it is located in the low-density residential zone, which allows single and two-family homes on 2,000 square foot lots. Another variance is required for the size of driveway openings, as well as for building height. The top deck on the building will stand 52-feet tall, according to the application.

The meeting will be held March 4 at 6 p.m. in the council chambers above the fire department building on Sherman Avenue.

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