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Seaside Park Looks to Curb Overnight Parking in Some Town-Owned Lots

The N Street parking lot in Seaside Park. (Credit: Google Maps)

The N Street parking lot in Seaside Park. (Credit: Google Maps)

Seaside Park officials are planning to introduce an ordinance that will more strictly regulate parking in three lots that are owned by the borough.

The first lot, located directly at borough hall – the former Coast Guard station at Decatur Avenue – has seen some motorists park there overnight, raising concerns about safety and liability. The council recommended the governing body’s Public Safety Committee consider including it in the future ordinance with a prohibition on parking outside of business hours.

“Especially during the season, we’ve run into overnight parking near borough hall,” said Councilman Matthew DeMichele. “All of the other parking lots have the rules in place. They’re used for borough business, but after hours some people seem to sneak in.”

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The other two parking lots of concern are the N Street lot along Ocean Avenue and the J Street lot, located next to the borough’s recreation center, east of the Tri-Boro First Aid squad building. The N Street lot is an unpaved property the borough previously purchased and, at times, has considered selling. The J Street lot, however, could prove useful as the borough plans to improve the community center building and, hopefully, host more activities there and provide a space for local clubs and organizations.

The council’s tentative recommendation was to prohibit parking from 12 midnight to 7 a.m. in the summer, and 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. all year.

No ordinance has been passed putting the regulations in place – the brainstorming session at last week’s council meeting will be taken into consideration by the committee, who will come back to the council with a draft ordinance that may be introduced.

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