The North Bayfront Boat Ramp in Seaside Heights, located at Sunset Beach on the bayshore along Route 37/35, will be replaced with a modern, improved ramp.
The Seaside Heights borough council on Wednesday voted to accept a $71,625 grant from the state Green Acres program to fund the new ramp installation in time for next summer.
“It will be a little deeper,” said Borough Administrator Christopher Vaz. “Some of the boats now that bottom out will no longer have that happen.”
According to a Navionics chart, the depth of the water near the ramp tops out at about 3-feet under natural conditions, but quickly deepens to 11-feet in the channel between the shoreline and a sedge island that is part of the Edwin B. Forsythe National Wildlife Refuge.
“The new ramp will be deeper, and the finished grade of the ramp will be what it’s supposed to be,” said Vaz. “Apparently, there is a grading standard for boat ramps, but ours was built so long ago that it wasn’t really built to any standard.”
The new ramp will be “completely new,” Vaz said.