Lavallette Boardwalk (Photo: Daniel Nee)
Lavallette officials decided this week to reinstate a policy created last summer that modified the hours during which bicycles can be operated on the boardwalk during the summer season.
After much debate, the council last summer decided that bicycle use should be limited to the hours of 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. during the bathing season. The governing body came to its decision after considering heavy foot and jogging traffic in the morning and the constant flow of beachgoers accessing the boardwalk during the daytime period.
“We tried it out last year and it worked pretty well, so we’re going for a repeat,” said Mayor Walter LaCicero, explaining that bicycles are “only prohibited during the bathing season, and each year we get to set the hours.”
After the official bathing season (the time period during which lifeguards are on duty), there are no restrictions on when bicycles can be ridden on the boardwalk.