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It’s 101 Days Until You’ll Need Badges to Get on Lavallette Beaches

Lavallette Beach Badges (File Photo)

Lavallette Beach Badges (File Photo)

There are just 101 days to go before Lavallette’s official beach season begins, but the badge office will more than a month before, officials said.

The borough’s season will begin June 17, at which point lifeguards will be posted and badges required. The badge office, which has now been moved to a centralized location at town hall, will open May 5. Hours will be 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday through Monday, until the season begins.

From June 17 through Sept. 4, the hours will change to 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day except Saturday, when the office will be open until 4 p.m.

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Beachgoers who buy their season badges before the season officially begins qualify for a $10 discount. Lavallette’s badges this year will be $40 preseason and $10 daily. Senior citizens can obtain a badge for $15. Once the season begins, the seasonal price rises to $50. Preseason badge prices end June 12.

“It’s a steal compared to other places,” said Councilman Michael Stogdill.

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