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Seaside Park Considers ‘No Knock’ Law

Front Door. (Credit: Heather Elias/Flickr)

Front Door. (Credit: Heather Elias/Flickr)

A borough ordinance would create a “no knock” list in Seaside Park, prohibiting solicitors from knocking on the doors of homes whose residents signed up for the program.

The borough council last week introduced an ordinance creating the list and its regulations. The ordinance, in order to be enacted, will require a public hearing and second vote at the council’s regular meeting later this month.

“There would be no charge” to join the list, said Councilwoman Nancy Koury, which would be maintained by the borough clerk. Those who sign up for the list would be issued a decal with the borough’s seal to inform would-be solicitors that a particular home is off limits to door-to-door salespeople.

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Due to court rulings on such lists, nonprofit organizations would be exempt from the ordinance.

“I don’t want anyone approaching my home, to tell you the truth,” said Councilman Frank “Fritz” McHugh.

Borough Attorney Steven A. Zabarsky said that while nonprofits would still be allowed to go door-to-door, the borough would require those solicitors to register with the clerk’s office before hitting the streets.

“We have a form to fill out for charitable organizations that the police enforce,” said Karen Barna, the borough clerk.

The ordinance, specifically, bans “peddling, itinerant vending and soliciting” from those on the list. Violations would be punishable under the borough’s general violations ordinance, which calls for a fine of not more than $2,000 and a jail term of not more than 90 days, Zabarsky said.

The council will take up the matter again at the June 23 meeting, which begins at 7 p.m. in the municipal court room above the police station.

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