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Seaside Heights to Install Permanent, Year-Round Restrooms

Seaside Heights Boardwalk (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Seaside Heights Boardwalk (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Visitors to the Seaside Height boardwalk in the winter months will have a more stable option when nature calls.

In the winter months, the borough shuts down its normal restroom facilities to prevent the pipes from freezing but places a number of portable toilets on the boardwalk. The portable toilets are unsightly, said Mayor Anthony Vaz, so the borough has decided to purchase prefabricated restrooms that can be used year-round without plumbing, but will improve the aesthetics of the boardwalk by being placed permanently.

“This will be a constructed bathroom, portable, that will have a nice appearance,” Vaz said.

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According to Christopher Vaz, borough administrator, the borough will utilize $276,000 left over from a 2008 bonding measure to purchase the facilities. The borough council voted Wednesday to allow the funding to be utilized for the purpose of purchasing the bathrooms.

One of the facilities will be placed near Hiering Avenue.

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