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Lavallette to Introduce Municipal Budget Monday Night

Lavallette Borough Hall (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Lavallette Borough Hall (Photo: Daniel Nee)

Lavallette officials are set to introduce the borough’s municipal budget at a borough council meeting scheduled for Monday night, according to a meeting agenda.

The budget, which will calculate the tax levy for 2016, will be introduced on first reading. A public hearing and second vote on May 16 is required before the spending plan is formally adopted.

In addition to the budget introduction, the borough council will vote to apply to the state for Essential Services Grant funding, part of an appropriation to help towns affected by Superstorm Sandy make up for losses in their ratable bases. About $14 million in grant funding is available in 2016, a much-reduced amount compared to the last several years in the immediate wake of the storm.

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In addition to the budget, borough council members will vote on whether to approve a shared services agreement between the borough and the Toms River Board of Fire Commissioners to provide fuel to their Ocean Beach Fire Company vehicles.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the municipal building on Grand Central Avenue.

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