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Another 300 Truckloads of Sand Delivered to Ortley Beach

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Toms River officials said Tuesday that crews from Earle Asphalt Company worked over the weekend and during the day Monday to deliver additional sand to the neighborhood’s oceanfront.

An additional 300 truckloads of sand were delivered between the Lord House lifeguard station and the Golden Gull condominium complex. Te purpose of the latest sand delivery was to build a barrier and reshape the dunes in that particular area.

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

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Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

“The rest of the beaches are in good condition,” the township said in a statement.

Toms River, with assistance from the state, has spent millions of dollars on sand deliveries since Superstorm Sandy devastated the beachfront in 2012. Recent storms added to the bill: $800,00 for sand after the Oct. 4 nor’easter and several hundred thousand dollars after the Jan. 23 nor’easter.

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Sand deliveries in Ortley Beach, April 2016. (Photo: Toms River Twp.)

Last week, it was announced that following court rulings allowing eminent domain procedures to go forward, state officials estimate that a beach and dune replenishment project will be put out to bid during the summer months with replenishment operations potentially beginning near the end of 2016.

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