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Meghan’s Law Offender Arrested in Seaside Heights Sentenced to 3 Years

David Earl McBride (Photo: OCPO)

David Earl McBride (Photo: OCPO)

A sex offender arrested in Seaside Heights for failing to comply with the provision’s of Meghan’s Law will spend the next three years behind bars, prosecutors said Thursday.

David Earl McBride, 52, whose last known address was in Toms River, was sentenced to three years in New Jersey State Prison as a result of a guilty plea he entered before Superior Court Judge Linda G. Baxter on Dec. 14, 2015, for the third degree failure to register  In addition to the term of imprisonment, part of his sentence, handed down by Superior Court JudgeMelanie S. Appleby, is to continue his obligations to register once released and following all guidelines of probation imposed on him.

McBridge was charged April 25, 2015 in Seaside Heights. The defendant “knowingly failed to register his current address with the Township of Manchester” 10 days prior to the change of his address, said Al Della Fave, spokesman for the Ocean County Prosecutor’s Office. Detective John M. Argento, of the Meghan’s Law Unit, initiated the complaint.

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McBride has been continuously incarcerated since his arrest on in lieu of $100,000 cash bail.

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