Ocean County will plant new trees along Bay Boulevard in Lavallette, borough officials said this week.
“Every time you see a little red flag, that’s where they’re going to be putting in plants,” said Council President Anita Zalom.
Zalom said borough officials recently met with representatives from the county government about the loss of trees along Bay Boulevard, which is a county road. County Engineer Frank Scarantino and a county forestry employee came to survey the site and spent about three days on the project.
“They’re really trying to beautify this county as a whole,” said Zalom, explaining that the county now maintains its own nursery in Jackson where it grows plants and trees that can be placed at county facilities and along its roads. For Bay Boulevard, crepe myrtle trees and beach plum plants were selected.
“They’re not going to be tall things, nothing to block the view of Barnegat Bay,” Zalom said.
The county’s plantings will include a layer of topsoil and regular watering to ensure the trees’ survival.